Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Huaca la Florida

Huaca la Florida is dates to 1810 BCE. It is in the U shape typical of Peru during the Initial Period (approximately 1800- 900 BCE). Huaca la Florida is one of the largest and best preserved temples in the U shape, though the ruins mainly display the shape of the foundation of the structure.

Huaca la Florida is thought to have been used for ceremonial and political activities due to its central location in Lima. Huaca la Florida is near the Rimac River and Pacific Ocean, placing it in the vicinity of the water sources the people living there needed to survive.

The image below is a sketch of what Huaca la Florida would look like if it was in original form.

The diagram below shows the different parts of the typical U shaped temples.


  1. Hello, my first name is Chris,

    very interesting !
    normally i speak french... sorry for my poor english !

    actually, i writing a novel with for theme Tiwanaku,
    and i need a lot of informations concerning the Aymara/Quechua kultur

    thru regards !


    1. Hello Chris!

      I would be happy to help you find information on the Aymara and Quechua culture. What kind of research are you doing? If you let me know specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.


  2. Hi dudes! I'm a peruvian student of Archaeology at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. My name is Luis, this blog is awesome! Thanks for broadcast the material history of my country. I hope yo to want to visit it :D

  3. Thank you so much! Right now I'm posting about some of my favorite pieces, artists, and themes that I've researched. If you give me a name of a Peruvian artist you like I'll do a post about him/her.
